Business Communications Skills Tip – Words Have Power

How are your words shaping your world?

The words we use impact not only those around us, but our own well-being and
ability to deal with challenges.

The current challenges many of us are facing in our Covid or post Covid world can be spoken
about in numerous ways.

Describing them as a ‘battle’ a ‘war’ or a ‘disaster’ impacts how we’ll approach and
deal with what we’re facing.

Describing the same situation as a ‘challenge’ an ’uncertainty’ or even an ‘opportunity’
also impacts impacts how we’ll approach and deal with what we’re facing.

While a change of one word is not going to provide the solution to major challenge, it
can be a powerful start to opening up the mind and body to how our words shape our
behaviour – and how we’re responsible for shaping our own world.

Why not give it a try? Its free and takes only 2 seconds.

Contact me if you’d like to find out more about how your words are shaping our world.

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